Devon Meadows Primary School has become known within the region as a school, which strongly promotes Performing Arts. A tour of our Performing Arts room reveals a large collection of electric guitars, drums, electric keyboards and amplifiers! The school has a wide variety of tuned and untuned percussion instruments, a class set of ukuleles and a class set of acoustic guitars.
Classroom Lessons in Performing Arts ~ MUSIC, DANCE & DRAMA
For 1 hour a week, students are engaged in hands-on activities learning about drama, dance and music.
In music, the students use what we call our “Prac/Jam” books in which we have a collection of songs - our jamming is a lot of fun, involving singing, dancing and playing instruments! The senior school students have even used iPads to record their project work. In dance, the students learn and practice various styles of dancing from different cultures and times whilst gaining bodily awareness in a fun way. In drama, students will be learning about the elements of drama - movement, voice, space, and timing. Students will also take time to respond to drama to express what they enjoy about performances from local cultures and around the world.
Major Performances Throughout The Year
The Aboriginal word Wakakirri means ‘to dance’ according to the Wangaaypuwan people from Cobar NSW. In this competition between many schools in the state, over 2000 students from over 300 schools perform annually. Each school has 3-7 minutes to present a story with dancing and acting - no dialogue is allowed! This performance is open for students in Year 3 to Year 6 to participate in.
Devon Meadows has won a range of awards over the years for the performances our students have put on for Wakakirri, and we are proud to inspire change through our stories.