Devon Meadows Primary School promotes an ethos of care for the health and wellbeing of individuals, our school community and the environment. The school provides a rich and challenging curriculum that empowers each child to care for the Earth and all creation. Devon Meadows Primary School develops authentic partnerships between home, school and the wider community based on open communication and shared commitment to a sustainable future.
Below is a list of our completed and current practices improving the biodiversity, engery, waste and water use at our school:
â— Vegetable Gardenâ— Fruit Treesâ— Compost bins and worm farmsâ— Outside rubbish bins with lidsâ— Protecting Vegetable Garden with rabbit proof fenceâ— Control of weeds
â— Natural lighting; windows, skylightsâ— Blindsâ— Tree shadeâ— Double glazed windows
â— Recycling Stations in each classroom sorting; paper/cardboard, compost, commingled recyclables and general wasteâ— Electronic newsletters, bulletins and memosâ— Electronic reports and assignmentsâ— Double-sided printing/photocopyingâ— Purchase of outdoor furniture made from recycled plasticâ— Electronic waste recycling; toners, computers/tabletsâ— Obtains second hand / donated items such as computer monitors and furnitureâ— Collection of used materials for Art Room projectsâ— Supplied each student with reusable drink bottles – supported by Stockdale & Leggo Cranbourne
â— Water tanksâ— Timers on sprinklersâ— Composting and mulchingâ— Local drought tolerant plantsâ— Encourage students to use re-usable water bottles