Listening to your child read should be an enjoyable and stress free time. Below are some links that will direct you to some helpful hints when listening to your child read.
Comprehension Strategies
Use prior knowledge
Check for understanding
Back up and reread
Make and adjust and mental images
Ask Questions throughout the reading process
Make and adjust predictions
Use the Main Idea
Recognise Literacy Elements
Use text features
Determine and analyse the Author's Purpose
Recognise and explain Cause and Effect
Compare and contrast
Accuracy Strategies
Use beginning and ending sounds
Blend sounds
Chunk letters and sounds together
Flip the sound
Cross checking
Skip the word
Fluency Strategies
Read texts that are a good fit
Using punctuation when you read
Adjust and apply different reading rates
Reread text
Read voraciously
Expand Vocabulary Strategies
Tune into interesting words
Use prior knowledge and context clues
Use pictures, illustrations and diagrams
Use word parts
Use dictionaries, thesaurus and glossaries
Ask someone to define the word for you
This video will also help you when reading with your child at home.